It's been one week and five days now but I feel like it's been an eternity since the first day of lockdown. Ever since I heard about the outbreak in Italy, which is around the end of February, I have been avoiding going out. I remember when some of my friends asked me to go out with them and I always said no because I was scared of catching the virus. They would laugh and say that I'm being too paranoid. Well, look at what is happening now. Anyway, who would have known that the situation before would become worse.
The situation in Italy right now is really bad, especially in the northern part. Right now we have 41,027 cases, with 4,032 deaths and 5,129 recovered. Italy has the highest ratio of death. Some of you might say that only old people are at risk but they are still human beings and they are someone's family. What's even worse is that when people die from the virus, they will be cremated, so the victim's family will have no one last look of their loved ones. It's really heart-breaking. Sometimes watching TV stresses me out because it's all about the epidemic and I watch the news every lunch time and dinner time. Then again, it's important to be informed. Just need to balance it out with cartoons or happy movies afterwards.
photo by: @tommaso.pratelli
People lining up to go inside the supermarket. The supermarket only allows a number of people to be inside to avoid over-crowding.

photo by: @tommaso.pratelli
The lock down here in Italy is quite strict. You can only go out for work, do some groceries, go to the pharmacy, or for medical reasons. Other than that, you are not allowed to go out. You also need to bring a slip with you when you go out because there are checkpoints. If you violate these rules, you will be fined at least 200 euros. If you have the virus, and fully aware of it, but chose not to acknowledge it, you will be imprisoned. So yes, these times are really hard but we have to cooperate to better the situation.
For more updates regarding the situation here in Italy, here are some sites you can check out.
What really bothers me right now is the safety of my family and friends. My family is scattered everywhere like the U.S., France, and U.K. I have my close friends back in the Philippines. They are all worried for me but I am more worried for them because what I am experiencing right now will possibly happen to them. I don't want that. So to my family and friends reading this, please stay safe and stay home. The situation here is bad. Please don't make the same mistakes that we did.
Moving on, my life here in Florence is okay for now. I don't know what will happen in the next few weeks but I hope that it will be better. The experts are waiting to see the results on week 2 since it is from that time that they will be able to understand more of about the progress of this country.
With Bonnie & Baccu
I'm very lucky to have an Italian family who treats me as part of their family. My stay here is more comfortable than my apartment in the city center. I mean I love my apartment but staying here is more comfortable, especially with this tragic situation that is happening now. The place that I am currently living in now is on the countryside. It's 30 minutes away from the center and the house has a huge garden. Not to mention, they also have dogs! So yes, it's way better than living in the city right now.
Right now, I'm trying to be productive by continuing to study Italian, exercise everyday, make some designs, clean, and eating healthy. I am trying to make a routine in order for me to not become lazy. I know that if I will be slacking off on these days, I would have a hard time adjusting when everything gets back to normal. To be honest, I think I am quite productive. Now that I have so much time to spend indoors, I have no excuse not to do it anymore.
The lockdown will finish on April 3 but I really doubt that it will happen. Anyway, I just hope it will be over soon and that other countries will learn from our mistakes. Take care everyone and stay safe!
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