Neon Island

Sunday, May 3, 2015

photos by: Jesse Jake

Day dreaming that I was walking by the sandbar of this island. How I wish I could visit Kalanggaman Island this summer again, but that seems to be a blur right now since I'm quite busy with work. Though I'm excited with my birthday week coz there would be a lot of adventures waiting for me and my friends! It still kinda surprises me that I've been into a lot of adventures this summer. I know that I've always been the outgoing type, but not the outdoor outgoing one. Haha! I'm still new to this, but I'm planning to continue filling up my "places" column, which pretty much involves adventures for now. And it would pretty much involve travelling to other places soon! ;)
Have a blessed Sunday everyone! :)



  1. great colorrr !!!!!!!!!
    would you like to follow each other on our blog ...?
    let me know --- >>>
    I aspect, a kiss: - *


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