photos by: Jesse Jake
dress: Let's Stylize
bag: Parisian
heels: CMG
After months(2 months to be exact) of depriving myself from making a blog post, I'm so happy that I can finally make one right now! You're probably wondering what I've been up to for the past months. Well, I've been studying for my board exam which happened last January 23 and 25. Guess what? I passed!!! :) :) :) I'm sooo happy and relieved that my hours,days, and months of studying has finally come to an end. I'm officially a licensed architect! :)
I've got loads of outfit posts pending right now. So let this be the first one in line! I got this dress from Let's Stylize. I love how sweet and romantic the dress looks. Perfect for dates. ;) Speaking of which, it's almost Valentine's day! Do you guys have any plans for the 14th? Let me know on the comment box below! :)
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