Little Red Dotted Dress

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunnies: wagw
Ring: Profile
Shoes: Leaveland
Dress: vintage

Feeling the summer with a vintage retro inspired red dress & a pair of  sun glasses. :)


  1. Your dress reminds me of Minnie Mouse. So cute! Read your entry about you and your boyfriend meeting Solenn. You have a resemblance, btw.

    1. haha! I thought about that too! wow, that's very flattering! thank you! :)

  2. hi Sophia, this is Sigh, i know you may not remember me. I would like to thank you for taking picture of the top you bought from my shop and showing it to your blog, is it ok if i post you pic in my fb account under my spotted album,? thank you. more power. are you open for modelling for free for photo shoots? for your portfolio? like we do a collab shoot?

    1. hi sigh! sure, you can post my pic, just include the link to this blog :)


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