My Flawless Experience

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Three years, ago, I suffered from severe acne. I can still remember how depressed I was and how my self-esteem became so low at that time. I went to several facial clinics, 5 to be exact, and none of them helped my face clear up. Though there was one facial clinic that did improve my face a bit but they have bad customer service. One clinic also worsened my acne, and the rest showed no signs of improvement. So I stopped going to the clinics and decided to depend on facial products. Same as looking and trying out different facial clinics, searching for facial products was not that easy. At last, I did find a product that helped my skin become better. 
Flawless at SM Seaside City Cebu

My skin is not cleared up yet, but atleast it's waaay better than before! Anyway, even though my face is getting better, there are still blemishes and a few acnes that appear from time to time(blame it on hormones). Today, the skin problem that I'm dealing with is acne scars. It's kinda hard to get rid of acne scars if you're only depending on products. With this, I decided to give facial clinics a try. Flawless was first on the list. I chose the All-Natural Ultimate White Facial and Acne Control Advance Facial.
I had my first treatment at Flawless SM Seaside City. As I was about to start with their services, I was asked to sign their sterilized tools that they're going to use. This was to ensure that what they're using is clean.
Before I availed their services. After 2 visits.

While treatment was on going, there was one thing that I couldn't help but compare to the other facial clinics that I've tried. The esthetician's hands were so light, I can tell that they were well-trained. Facials are always painful and agonizing for me, but that was probably my least painful facial I've experienced. My favorite part of the facial experience at Flawless was when they removed the mask. The feeling was so refreshing and light. It felt like I had a baby's skin after that! :)
Though I've only visited their clinic twice now, I can see the improvement on my acne scars and blemishes. It's not yet cleared up because of course, it's too early to tell. But I have high hopes for Flawless, and I can tell that it was a good start. Hope that this will improve along the way, and maybe comes the day wherein I can bravely go out without putting too much coverage on my face! :)

Visit their facebook and website to know more about Flawless. 

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